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Līga Ratniece-Kadeģe

Līga Ratniece-Kadeģe

Communications and Corporate Management Specialist

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05. march, 2025

Liepaja SEZ CEO Uldis Hmieļevskis visit at the Stockholm Royal Institute of Technology, (KTH)

The technology which is planned for use in the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) production plant project in the Port of Liepaja has been developed by the Swedish company “Swedish Biofuels AB”, involving scientists from the Royal Institute of Technology and grant funding from the US military sector. 

By combining carbon molecules with hydrogen molecules - two hydrogen atoms bound together - currently the prototyping plant produces approximately 3 thousand tons of sustainable fuel per year. The plant is located in Stockholm, in the territory of the Institute of Technology, next to study rooms and laboratories. 

According to what is said on the website of the company “Swedish Biofuels AB”, the developed technologies are a viable alternative to fossil fuels, raising business, aviation, transport and industry sectors to a new, more responsible and safer level.

Liepaja SEZ CEO Uldis Hmieļevskis admits, that each proposed industrial project in the City of Liepaja is under scrutiny - studied and observed very carefully. In-depth negotiations with technology suppliers and investors allow for a comprehensive assessment of the very nature of the project, economic benefits, safety, environmental impact, and other vital aspects. 

Each major industrial project is being evaluated together with the specialists of the municipality and the Liepaja SEZ Authority to get assurance that the proposed plant would fit into the city and will not cause any inconveniences, environmental and safety risks. The product itself – the green fuel – is colorless, and before adding fragrances – almost odorless, as no impurities are admitted into the product during the production process.

He further added that seeing both - the fuel production plant itself and the scrupulous and pedantic approach with which the technology and the project documentation have been developed signals that every aspect has been approached responsibly. Fuel production takes place literally next to the study rooms, the tea and coffee kitchens – there is no noise, odors, smoke. Why is such sustainable fuel is needed? Aviation accounts for about 2.5% of global energy-related CO2 emissions. The new report on the European aviation sector's environmental performance sets out measures on how to reduce aviation's impact on climate change, noise and air quality, and ensure Europe meets its goal of climate-neutrality by 2050. In particular, the report recommends focusing on measures such as increasing the use of sustainable aviation fuels, making the most of air traffic management optimizations and adopting more fuel-efficient technologies. By implementing such measures, emissions could be reduced by at least two thirds by 2050. For the City of Liepaja this is an opportunity to become a hub of future industries, to create new jobs, a research field for scientists at the Riga Technical University (RTU) Liepaja Academy, and an opportunity for other companies to join in the development of future technologies.

LSEZ SIA “NorSAF” company is determined to build the SAF production facility in the Port of Liepaja. One of the largest US energy technology companies “KBR” with a turnover of more than 6 billion dollars and experience in the space, energy and military industries has been involved in the development of the technology, production and installation of equipment worldwide. One of the largest US energy technology companies “KBR” with a turnover of more than 6 billion dollars and experience in the space, energy and military industries has been involved in the development of the technology, production and installation of equipment worldwide.

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