• Commercial Companies
The Liepaja Special Economic Zone investors have access to excellent infrastructure, varied logistic solutions and qualified workforce, attracting investors from Scandinavia, Baltic states, Japan and other countries.

Why become a Liepaja SEZ Commercial Company


The possibility to receive tax benefits - 80% for corporate income tax (dividends) and 80% for real estate tax, possibility to receive up to 60% of investment costs in tax benefits.


The possibility to receive the status of a free zone and to apply the benefits of indirect tax and customs procedures.


The opportunity to receive support, consultations and participation from the Liepāja SEZ administration and its cooperation partners in solving various issues.


The opportunity to develop your business in a quality business environment.

Preconditions to become the Liepaja SEZ Company


Find out whether the type of business compliance with the requirements for of the Liepāja SEZ capital company.

Prepares and submits documents for receiving the status of Liepaja SEZ capital company.


The application of the company to obtain the status of the LSEZ Commercial Company shall be subject to the approval by the Board of the Liepaja Special Economic Zone.

The company shall enter into an agreement with the Authority (for carrying out its commercial activity in the LSEZ territory), and into an agreement on implementation of its investment project.


After the aforementioned approval has been received, the company shall then get re-registered with the Commercial Register of the Republic of Latvia, by adding the wording “Liepaja Special Economic Zone” to the current name of the respective company (firm). The same applies upon registration of a new company. The new company name shall appear in the Statutes and the Registration Certificate of such a company.


Once the company has entered into the agreement with the Authority on carrying out its commercial activity in the LSEZ territory, the Authority shall issue a certificate on behalf of the government, affirming that the commercial company is eligible to apply the direct tax incentives, provided by the Law “On the Liepaja Special Economic Zone”, and the Law “On Application of Taxes in Free Ports and Special Economic Zones.”

Liepaja SEZ Commercial Companies


number of LSEZ companies


number of employees in LSEZ companies (in 2023)

4 252 844,78 €

investments in construction and state-of-art technologies (in 2023)

14 659 977,89 €

investments, made by the Liepaja SEZ companies, subject to tax incentives (in 2023)

Manufacturer of automation systems and production of electrical panels producer.

Address: Ganību street 1/3, Liepāja, LV-3401, Latvia

Phone: (+371) 63401817

E-mail: mail@aepartner.lv


Stevedoring, cargo storage in the Free Zone mode.

Address: Pulvera street 11, Liepāja, LV-3405, Latvia

Phone: (+371) 29115521

E-mail: v.didora@baltex-bulk.lv

Stevedoring services and cargo storage.

Address: Brīvostas street 31, Liepāja, Latvia

Phone: (+371) 20211294

E-mail: info@baltukoks.lv

Port services and logistic services.

Address: Atslēdznieku street 16/18, Liepāja, LV-3401, Latvia

Phone: (+371) 29227735

E-mail: info@balticbiofuel.lv

Logistic services

Address: Turaidas street 24, Liepāja, LV-3414, Latvia

Phone: (+371) 63407414

E-mail: btc@btc.lv


Stevedoring services and cargo storage.

Address: Kaiju street 7, Liepāja, LV-3401, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 63424429

E-mail: info@piemare.lv


Manufacturing of conveyor systems, cargo loading, unloading and transportation.

Adderss: Brīvības street 142A, Liepāja, LV-3401, Latvia

Phone: (+371) 63489530

E-mail: info.lv@caljan.com


Cargo handling and storage.

Address: Brīvostas street 30, Liepāja, LV-3405, Latvia

Phone: (+371) 63484500

E-mail: info@danstore.lv


Stevedoring services, freight forwarding, custom broker services, ship agency services; production of biodiesel, product blending; water, salt and sediment separation, testing, product barreling.

Address: Pulvera street 33, Liepāja, LV-3405, Latvia

Phone: (+371) 63424604

E-mail: hub@dgterminals.lv


Port and logistic services.

Address: Atslēdznieku street 29, Liepāja, LV -3401, Latvia

Phone: (+371) 63427227

E-mail: info@duna.lv


Port and logistic services.

Address: Brīvostas street 22, Liepāja, LV-3405, Latvia

Phone: (+371) 27335559

E-mail: info@ekerslp.eu


Doors and Windows production.

Address: Kapsēdes street 8A, LV-3400, Liepāja, Latvija.

Phone: (+371) 20420666

E-mail: info@finestrasolution.com


Packaging services.

Address: Satiksmes street 6, LV-3401, Liepāja, Latvia

Phone: (+371) 60000888

E-mail: igor@fless.com


Wholesale of diesel fuel, reloading services.

Address: Upmalas street 12/16, Liepāja, LV-3401, Latvia

Phone: (+371) 63404990

E-mail: info@evija.lv


Metal surface treatment.

Address: Daugavas street 4 - 80, Liepāja, LV-3407, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 27142567

E-mail: info@gfpowdercoating.lv


Breathing equipment.

Address: Ģenerāļa Baloža street 20/22, Liepāja, LV-3414, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 63483860

E-mail: latvia@interspiro.com


Metal processing.

Address: Virssardzes street 11, Liepāja, LV-3414, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 63489370

E-mail: info-LV@jensenmetal.eu


Real estate lease and maintenance.

Address: Virssardzes street 11, Liepāja, LV-3414, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 63489370

E-mail: info-LV@jensenmetal.eu

Agricultural machinery wheel rims.

Address: Kapsēdes street 2, Liepāja, LV-3414, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 66906884



Cargo handling.

Address: Brīvostas street 22, Liepāja, LV-3401, Latvia

Phone: (+371) 63424515

E-mail: info@ekerslp.eu

Lingerie textiles and medical products producer.

Address: Ziemeļu street 19, Liepaja, LV-3405, Latvia

Phone: (+371) 63447466

E-mail: fabrics@laumafabrics.com


Medical products producer.

Address: Ziemeļu street 19, Liepaja, LV-3405, Latvia

Phone: (+371) 25666675

E-mail: medical@laumamedical.com


General cargoes (timber), dry bulk cargoes (wooden pellets, sawdust, wooden chips).

Address: Brīvostas street 40, Liepāja, LV-3405, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 63423111

E-mail: info@laskana.lv


Production of gas springs.

Address: Dūņu street 4, Liepāja, LV-3401, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 63401840

E-mail: info.lep@lesjoforsab.com


Springs, stamping production.

Address: Dūņu street 4, Liepāja, LV-3401, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 63401840

E-mail: info.lep@lesjoforsab.com



Stevedoring services, cargo forwarding.

Address: Brīvības street 123, Liepāja, LV-3401, Latvia

Phone: (+371) 63480952, (+371) 63401659

E-mail: lbt@asp.lv



Logistic services, customs warehouse.

Address: November 14 boulevard 19A, Liepāja, LV-3414, Latvia

Phone: (+371) 26447999

E-mail: liepaja@latstorage.com


Welding of metal and plastic parts.

Address: Kapsēdes street 2, Liepāja, LV-3414, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 27783773

E-mail: sales@lpsp.lv



Address: Roņu street 8A, Liepāja, LV-3401, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 25663720

Stevedoring services, cargo forwarding.

Address: Brīvostas street 21, Liepāja, LV-3405, Latvia.

E-mail: molsl@molsl.lv

Manufacture of medical plasters and bandages.

Address: Ziemeļu street 19, Liepāja, LV-3405, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 20037773

E-mail: nordeplast.lv@gmail.com

Handling of base and industrial oils, diesel fuel, oil products which require heating – black fuel oil, VGO.

Address: Ziemeļu street 19C, Liepāja, LV-3405, Latvia

Phone: (+371) 27505577

E-mail: info@giterminal.lv


Owner, developer and manager of an industrial business park.

Address: Flotes street 16, Liepāja, LV-3405, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 20240811

E-mail: info@nsbp.lv


Real estate lease and maintenance.

Address: Kapsēdes street 2, Liepāja, LV-3414, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 28308642

E-mail: lbc@pumac.lv


Wholesale of electronic devices, telecommunications equipment and their parts.

Address: Cieceres street 46A, Liepāja, LV-3407, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 29499676

E-mail: info@rangeful.com


Production of metal constructions.

Address: Laboratorijas street 20, Liepāja, LV-3414, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 63489388

E-mail: faktura@rtmetals.lv


Production of plastic parts.

Address: Kapsēdes street 2, Liepāja, LV-3414, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 63488539

E-mail: letland@meta-plast.dk


Production of composite materials.

Address: Brīvības iela 185, Liepāja, LV-3401, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 63401 770

E-mail: mail@scan-plast.lv


Logistic services, customs warehouse.

Address: Pulvera street 10, Liepāja, LV-3405, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 29224540

E-mail: sololmanager@apollo.lv

Metal processing.

Address: Kapsēdes street 2, Liepāja, LV-3414, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 29845968

E-mail: gl@swedanpartners.eu


Stevedoring, ship’s agency, freight forwarding.

Address: Brīvostas street 14A, Liepāja, LV-3405, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 63425756

E-mail: info@terrabalt.lv


Handling of oil and oil products.

Address: Jaunā ostmala 33/35, Liepāja, LV-3401, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 29225140

E-mail: transit.term@gmail.com

Production of washing, cleaning and polishing agents.

Address: Ziemeļu street 19, Liepāja, LV-3415, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 67273333

E-mail: info@truwel.lv


Logistic services, cargo storage.

Address: Brīvības street 123, Liepāja, LV-3401, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 63486363

E-mail: info@tipark.lv

Logistic services, customs warehouse.

Address: Brīvības street 123, Liepāja, LV-3414, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 63424817

E-mail: lbt@asp.lv


Owner, developer and manager of an industrial business park.

Address: Vecā ostmala 10, Liepāja, LV-3401, Latvia.

Phone: (+371) 25666472

E-mail:  info@vobp.lv


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