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Līga Ratniece-Kadeģe

Līga Ratniece-Kadeģe

Communications and Corporate Management Specialist

Tālr: (+371) 29233446 E-pasts:
07. march, 2025

Auction for oil wastewater treatment plant complex engineering structures

In order to improve the quality and effective management of the services provided, the Liepaja SEZ Authority has announced an auction for the engineering structures which ensure performance of the oil wastewater treatment plant complex functions. 

The results of the auction will determine the lessee with the most economically advantageous offer.  During the term of the lease agreement, the lessee will accept and treat the waste transferred as part of the sanitary fees of ships calling the Port of Liepaja in accordance with Marpol Annex I – Prevention of Pollution by Oil.

The participants are invited to send their applications for the auction until April 11, 2025.

The Liepaja Port Treatment Plant was put into operation in 2004 to collect and to treat oily wastewater from ships calling the port, thus taking care of the environmental condition of the Baltic Sea. This is stipulated by the Port Waste Reception Directive and obliges the Liepaja SEZ Authority to ensure acceptance of the waste generated by ships, including polluted waters, however the said directive does not regulate the procedure for the treatment of the oily waters.

The Port of Liepaja is the only port in Latvia that itself ensures treatment of the oily waters from ships. By law, the main function of the Liepaja SEZ Authority is business support and infrastructure provision, not the performance of business activities. It was concluded by the audit of the Liepaja SEZ Authority functions that in order to ensure the cost-effective operation of the Liepaja Port Treatment Plant, additional services are required.

Having analyzed the experience of other ports and in compliance with the provisions of the law On Prevention of Squandering of the Financial Resources and Property of a Public Entity, the Liepaja SEZ Authority selected another, more advantageous solution for the treatment of the oily waters generated by ships and decided to announce an auction for the lease of the Liepaja Port Treatment Plant equipment and the provision of services.

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